The fastest way to appreciate a driver’s license, is to be disqualified from having one for a long period of time!

Have you been disqualified from holding a license for over two years and want to make an application for the removal of the full disqualification period?

Start the process to get your QLD Drivers Licence back with MTL Today.

Losing your driver’s licence due to disqualification can significantly impact your daily life, affecting your ability to work, manage family responsibilities, and maintain social connections. Without the freedom to drive, simple tasks become complicated, leading to a loss of independence and potential financial strain.

If you find yourself in this situation, you’re likely aware of the challenges it presents. However, there is a pathway to regaining your driving privileges that involves navigating the complexities of the legal system. This is where the expertise of a specialised lawyer can be invaluable.

Under the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995, individuals who have been disqualified from holding or obtaining a driver’s licence absolutely, or for a period of more than two years, have the opportunity to apply for the removal of this disqualification after a minimum period of two years. The application process, however, is nuanced and requires a thorough understanding of the law to ensure the best chance of success.

Our lawyers at Murray Torcetti lawyers can help you regain your license in the below critical ways:

Assessment and Preparation: Your lawyer will begin by assessing the specifics of your case, considering the nature of the original offence, your conduct since the disqualification, and any other relevant circumstances. This thorough preparation ensures that your application highlights all the factors that support your case for reinstatement.

Character and Conduct Evidence: Demonstrating that you are a "fit and proper" person to hold a licence is crucial. A lawyer can help gather and present evidence of your good character and positive conduct since the disqualification. This might include testimonials, records of rehabilitation, community service, or any other actions that demonstrate your commitment to responsible driving.

Legal Expertise and Representation: Navigating the legal system can be daunting. A lawyer with expertise in traffic law will handle all aspects of the legal process, from filing the necessary paperwork to representing you in court. Their knowledge and experience can significantly influence the outcome of your application.

Strategic Advice: Each case is unique, and strategic legal advice is crucial. Your lawyer will provide personalised guidance on the best strategies to pursue, based on the specifics of your disqualification and personal circumstances.

Advocacy at Hearing: If your application goes to a hearing, having a lawyer to advocate on your behalf is essential. They will argue your case, emphasising the reasons why your licence should be reinstated and ensuring that the court fully understands your situation.

Regaining your driver’s licence can be a life-changing event. With the right legal support, you can navigate this complex process with confidence, enhancing your likelihood of a positive outcome. Our team is dedicated to providing compassionate, expert legal assistance to help you reclaim your independence and return to the road legally and safely.

Solicitor & Director 

Criminal Defence / Domestic Violence 

Rarely seen without a mobile fused to his hand. If he is not talking to clients or editing Victor's profile he is torturing the MTL Team with his taste in music.

0450 280 778

[email protected]


Criminal Defence / Domestic Violence

Stealthy sense of humor, which is needed because he once bragged about his "level 80" status in World of Warcraft.

0416 490 156

[email protected]

Em Profile pic v 2


Criminal Defence / Domestic Violence / Wills & Estates 

Nerds out on the law. Allergic to cats, still adopted a cat.

0424 648 716

[email protected]

Caboolture Office 

4/13 King Street

Caboolture, Queensland

07 5414 4209